Where Does the Money From Pennsylvania’s Traffic Tickets Go?

Traffic ticket lawyer JanesvilleOccasionally, our traffic ticket attorneys are asked where the money from Pennsylvania’s traffic tickets ends up. Does it go to the city? Does it go to the state?

It’s a good question and The Unified Judicial System Of Pennsylvania recently released a helpful infographic that shows exactly how the funds are distributed.

Here’s a brief breakdown:

Emergency Medical Service – $10

Seventy-five percent of the $10 fee is deposited into the state’s Emergency Medical Services Operating Fund to support Emergency Medical Service (EMS) systems serving rural areas without Pennsylvania. Twenty-five percent of the money goes to the Catastrophic Medical and Rehabilitation Fund for victims of trauma.

Judicial Computer Program/Access to Justice Account – $10

Eight of the $10 fee imposed by Act 122 of 2002 is deposited in the Judicial Computer System Restricted Receipt Account. The remaining two dollars are deposited in the Access to Justice Account to provide legal representation in civil cases to those who can’t afford it.

Fine – $25 and up

Proceeds from traffic violation fines are shared by the state, counties and municipalities based on the law enforcement agency issuing the fine.

General Fund – $30 to $300

The surcharge, ranging from $30 – $300 based on the violation, is deposited into the state General Fund.

Court Costs – $37 (or $45 if a hearing is requested)

Proceeds from court costs (such as those levied on traffic violations) are used to support both state and county court costs.

If you have received a ticket in Pennsylvania and want to discuss your case, please don’t hesitate to contact one of our traffic ticket attorneys any time.

  1. Neal Weaver says:

    I was recently fined for running a stop sign and all of these extra charges have doubled. I do not understand why the fine is so low and we are made to pay into all of these other funds none of which have anything with the violation. If you have any helpful advice I'd appreciate it.

  2. Rasheed says:

    Our government and systems are organized criminals that hire small minded individuals to work decent paying jobs handling their corruptted dirty work so the state can collect money that the majority goes to some money hungry person(s). We aren't given books of laws or updates in documents. As citizens were are expected to know how every government workers job, all the laws, everything court related. Were expected to have lawyer money that's taxed to pay to protect us against the corruption judged by people who are small minded and can't see that were all taken for idoits.

  3. Fuck you says:

    In other words how much can the state fuck a guy in the ass for a simple traffic violation by tacking on a shit ton of ass fucking fees.

  4. J. says:

    I’m charged with fake DUI refusal. The cops lied of their police report and under oath but that doesn’t matter. I won the refusal because I didn’t refused and it was all on their camera, I said “yes” several times, they said “so you’re refusing” No I’m not refusing anything give me the blood test! They laughed at me as soon as the 10 minute ride was over. PennDOT appealed the refusal and after they reviewed the evidence they withdrew their own appeal. They refused me the right to prove I was sober they refused a breathalyzer they knew I was not drinking but charged me anyway with drugs and or alcohol. I asked for a breath test they refused it to me and I said yes to a chemical test and they refused me. Alcohol part was dropped but I’m still being charged with a freaking DUI and expect me to accept general impairment. The same thing they gave to people who they have blood and breath test from. The system is rigged so why should we keep allowing them to continue to fund their human trafficking network?

  5. Jamie Cichan says:

    I'm not understanding why we get charged for ems services we didn't recieve. Why should we be punished because your program is underfunded by the state government? I suggest you take it up with our political leaders and stop punishing citizens that actually work for a living and are struggling to get by.

  6. Billq says:

    Our government is getting more corrupt every day and the state and federal employees are not doing their job.

  7. Mr. Knowital says:

    They will just take it further and further. Take more and more. Pay us less and less… They have no reason to stop. You will never stand up for yourselves together to fight back.

  8. Kas says:

    The fees for traffic violations such has failing to activate hazards lights when pulled off to the side of the road…..

    These type of tickets for students returning to college are simply outrageous especially when they come from out of state, and then being reminded by the officer that they have these laws in their state too. Knowing first hand that they will plead guilty because they don't have the time to get involved with the judicial system, which they would only lose to anyway is simply outrageous!!!

    fine: 25$
    EMS: 20$
    surcharge: 45$
    JCP/ATJ: 33.25$. Total: 171.75

    The surcharge and costs?????? what are those??? they are more than the fine!!!!

    Boy Pa, you certainly got a racket going!!! Shame on you!!

    and then another surcharge for paying it online 176$ in all… Merry Christmas

  9. patrick says:

    The Pittsburgh Parking authority is by far one of the most corrupted authorities in this city. It doesn't matter if you are completely innocent or not they will still fine you. I've lived in the city for years and pay for my parking permit every single year and yet I still mange to accumulate 3 residential parking tickets in a week??? again it doesn't matter if you dispute the ticket or not their pirate organization will continue to force there hands in your pockets and rob you with everyone watching. After living in the city for 10 plus years, pay my taxes, pay for my permits, and yet the citizens of this city are forced to pay for these greedy city officials bonuses. I've lost faith in this city completely.

  10. Patrick says:

    also, they say that the money goes to funding parks, and snow removal, but we obviously see how our outer city parks look and when you are 5 days into a snow storm and your roads still haven't been touched or salted makes you wonder… You city officials aren't nothing more than MPCs tasked to putting the people down and stealing what money you haven't already taken from them.

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