
The Sobering Holiday Drinking and Driving Statistics

The Sobering Stats of Holiday Drinking and Driving The holidays season is a time for cheer, giving Americans the opportunity to spend time with their Read More

Woman Sued for Writing Insults on Alimony Checks

When Marriage Lasts Long After Divorce The negative emotions created by a marriage in the process of dissolving can result in an all out war Read More

Can You Really Talk Your Way Out of a Ticket?

The answer is maybe, but don’t count on it. If you go too far and upset the police officer issuing the ticket, you could make Read More

Are You More Likely to Get Pulled Over During the Holidays?

You may be wondering if the upcoming holiday season will bring with it more than family dinners and gifts. And it could. According to, Read More

Do Holiday-Fights Have You Considering Divorce?

While the holidays are intended to represent togetherness and good feelings, they can create a lot of stress for many families. This stress can result Read More

What State Issues the Most Speeding Tickets?

The vast majority of the states punish drivers harshly for speeding, especially if the law includes a provision that allows officers to charge motorists with Read More

What These Divorcees Really Want You to Know

  There are thousands of lawyers who practice law in Pennsylvania. Lawyers have varying amounts of experience and develop expertise in different fields of law. Read More

How a Close Relationship With Your In-Laws May Decrease Your Odds of Divorce

Many people dread spending time with their in-laws, but several studies have shown that maintaining a close relationship with your in-laws is a sign of Read More


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611 Gettysburg Pike, Suite 201
MechanicsburgPA 17055

Phone: (717) 502-5000